Reflections on the Election

Anthony Cesare
2 min readNov 9, 2020

Learning of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election filled me with a sensation that can only be described as relief. I’d imagine a similar feeling occurred in many when they heard the news. Yet, it’s quite apparent that this isn’t over. With lawsuits and claims of fraud already in process the results of the election, while clearly a Joe Biden victory, are being continuously muddled. How this is handled in the present is anyone’s guess, how history will look back on this election is yet to be determined.

While celebrations are in order, it is more important than ever to ask ourselves: Is Joe Biden the best we can do? It seems like an embarrassment to not only liberals but leftists as well that Joe Biden is what represented the opposition to Donald Trump. Many of my close friends and family admit that they did not support Biden but merely settled. This mentality of settling for the lesser of two evils has been the prevailing idea of the Democratic Party for what seems like some time now. I admit that essentially anyone the Democratic Party chose to represent them I would have supported if it meant Donald Trump not being elected for a second term. I believe it’s safe to say that many would agree. Yet, now it is time to move past this sentiment of settling and begin pushing for real change.

When January 20th comes we will be left with a choice: Do we merely settle for Joe Biden’s policy or do we bring change into our own hands? The BLM protests have filled me with hope for change being demanded from the individual and their community as opposed to simply relying on an elected official. If this same sentiment continues into the Biden administration I believe that true progress can be made. Only time will tell.

